I fell in Love with Ireland since my first visit back in 2010. Every time I go, I feel as if I just landed in the middle of a fairytale. I have the opportunity to visit little villages, located right in the middle of nowhere. At least is “nowhere” for me, who is unable to distinguish one green field with sheep from another green field with sheep. For a city person, the agricultural land is like a foreign language, written in a non-alphabetic script. However if I was to spend enough time living there, I would eventually learn to find my way around, like the locals did. Because no matter how wild, abstract or chaotic the environment is, we all eventually find some sort of order, sequence or a rhythm to follow.
But I rather not get too familiar yet with the landscape and instead, I want to enjoy the magic experience of being in the middle of nowhere.
Where twirling green patterns burst from everywhere, and drops of rain make everything sparkle, and you can hear the tin whistle, the pipes and the fiddles, traveling through the fields like children in a caravan. While the sun gets busy embroidering a rainbow across the Irish sky.